This website is currently serving as a testing ground for a project I’m working on for my wife, Fran. The project is a “Mary Kay Product Advisor” web page. You’ll find it in the top menu under “Frantastic Facials Skincare.” Feel free to check it out when you have a moment! Keep in mind, it’s a beta version—a minimal viable product, if we’re being generous.
The Advisor page is designed to help people explore Mary Kay products and their uses. Simply type questions about skincare, lipstick, or other products, and the AI will provide answers. You can ask follow-up questions until you’re satisfied. If you’d like, you can email the entire chat to your Mary Kay consultant, giving them insight into your interests without needing to explain everything yourself. It’s a conversation starter, not an ordering system. I also plan to add a database to store consultant information for easier interaction.
Take a look and let me know what you think! Your feedback is welcome. If you’d like to reach out, you can find me through the Contact Page.
– Anthony